Perl DTP Module

Desktop Publishing in various formats

created: 08/2013



General Description

The Perl DTP Module is a module for Desktop-Publishing, to allow document creation in various formats.
It is designated e.g. to create documents of reportings or summaries automatically by use of scripts.
Licensed as OpenSource-Software permits a free-of-charge download and use or modify of the software.

The programming language is perl, so that makes it easy to use and integrate in existing applications.

For more information and download visit the Project Summary on Sourceforge.


Output document formats

At first supported formats for document creation were PDF, JPG and PNG. With the last extension it's also possible to create presentations in OpenDoument-Format ODP, based on existing dtp creation classes.

At document-creation would payed attention on structure of xml-code, so that the presentation documents are compatible with newer Microsoft® Office PowerPoint versions (tested with PowerPoint 2007).

The extension is in development-state, and not optimal designed for performance, document-size or object-alignment.


How to use DTP module

After downloading the module-files from Sourceforge, you can find some sample-files in folder /test/.

To create files with the scripts you can use it als follows:
perl odp would create a presentation-file which looks like the first two pictures in the gallery below.
The same call with option pdf instead of odp would create the output as a pdf-document, jpg as a jpeg-image, and so on..

Here you can see some output in presentation format from the samples:

Preview of Sample 6 (Page 1) Preview of Sample 6 (Page 2) Preview of Sample 2 (Page 1) Preview of Sample 2 (Page 2) Preview of Sample 3 (Page 1) Preview of Sample 3 (Page 2) Preview of Sample 4

For more information of usage read the Function Description.


Function Description

The DTP-Extension is not fully develeoped, so there still is no support for all the methods in superior dtp module.

After you included the path of the dtp-library files in your document,
use lib('lib','../lib');
and you created dtp object
use DTP;
my $dtp=new DTP(odp);
you can call methods with your new $dtp object.

Here is a brief of some important methods, you can use for creating presentation documents by use of perl-dtp:

function call call parameter (sample) values description
NewPage() format A4landscape
A4 (default)
Creates a new page/slide in landscape-
or in potrait-layout.
TextOut() $x
x-position of text element
y-position of text element
text as string
information about fontstyle as hash
Displays a text element
on defined position
with given information about
text-font and -style.
WriteLine() $text
additional text box styles
text as string
information about font style as hash
addition textbox styles as hash
Creates a new text element on current position
in document. Additionally you can set some values of
text box apperance (f.e. background-, border-color,..).
Line() $x1
additional line styles
x-position of start point
y-position of start point
x-position of end point
y-position of end point
additional line styles as hash
Creates a new line element, where you can define the
start- and end-position and styles like color and width.
Rec() $x1
additional box styles
x-position of start point
y-position of start point
x-position of end point
y-position of end point
additional box styles as hash
Creates a new rectangle element, where you can define the
start (position on the left upper), end (position on the
right lower end) and styles like color and if it should be filled.


Additionally you can use subclasses of dtp module to create linecharts or tables, f.e. for creating a linechart you can proceed as follows:


use strict;
use lib('../lib','lib');
use warnings;
use DTP;
use DTP::Entity::LineChart;

# get new dtp object (for creating pdf document)
my $dtp = new DTP("pdf");

# create new page / slide in landscape layout
$dtp->NewPage(format => "A4landscape");

# set your font apperance
my %font = ( font => "Helvetica",
color => "darkblue" );
# set linechart content
my %p = ( data => [ '1' => [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ],
        '2' => [ 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 ],
        '3' => [ 3 , 3 , 3 , 3 , 3 ]],
datacolor => [ "red", "blue", "green", "yellow", "gray" ],
orientation => "v",
border => 1,
margin => 0,
padding => 0,
bordercolor => "navy",
) ;

# get linechart entity object
my $e = new DTP::Entity::LineChart(%p);

# draw entity object
$dtp -> WriteLine ( [ $e ], %font, minheight => 250, border=>1 );

# finish document creation and release file
foreach my $file ( $dtp -> GetDocument() ) {
      printf ( "created %s \n ", $file);
.. the sample creates an output like this:
Preview of this Sample


Perl DTP Module | Desktop Publishing in various formats

Developers: Hartmut Vogler
Holm Basedow
Oliver Domeischel

For more information and download visit the Project Summary on Sourceforge.